
Если студент-иностранец хочет научиться говорить по-итальянски Если у вас серьезные намерения выучить итальянский язык и разговаривать на нем, знайте, что самый лучший, самый быстрый (и самый приятный) способ — это посещение курса в стране, где на этом языке разговаривают. В случае с итальянским, Флоренция — это самое лучшнн место, так как здесь родился итальянский язык, […]


According to a recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian is the fourth most studied language in the world after English, Spanish, and French. Rationally, the news may surprise people if we consider the most relevant diffusion of other languages spoken in the world such as Chinese, Russian or Arabic, and their […]


How to pronounce the Italian language correctly Italian language and Italian grammar The Italian language, like any other language, has its own characteristics and difficulties. The Italian grammar, compared to other languages, has a medium difficulty, while the pronunciation is less complicated. Most vowels and consonants always have the same pronunciation.


A young language with a long history. Between 3000 BC and 1000 BC, populations of Indo-European origin arrived from Central and Eastern Europe. They mingled with the Mediterranean people, including those who lived in the Italian peninsula (Etruscans, Ligurians, Sardinians, etc.). Some of them settled in Lazio and founded Rome. People of that population were […]